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Valen-slimes Day
Valen-slime Day!

Students created slime for February Crafternoon with supplies donated from generous aunties in Kihei who love to promote art in science.  Without the support of the community, Crafternoon would not be possible.  Thank you for supporting our haumana as they discover, create and play!

Collage of Lunar New Year crafts
Lunar New Year

Ms. V's Wednesday Crafternoon club celebrated the Lunar New Year. 

Collage of January Crafternoon
Crafts for a Cause - Valentine's Day

Students make Valentine’s Day cards for Kupuna at “Crafts for a Cause” this month. The students earned community service hours towards their quarter 3 Renaissance goals.

Important Forms and Things to Know

Here are resources that many parents will find useful to help you with busing  meals, and getting important information sent to your phone.

School Bus Information

Free & Reduced Meal Application Forms

Welcome to EZ Meal logo

Access Meal Accounts Online!

Opt-in to School Messenger text messaging

Information on SNAP Program

The LIS Library is always open.

By the Numbers


Years Accreditation from WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges).

Visit: April 2023



Of students and families eligible for Title 1 funding.


Number of sports offered at the school in the REACH program. Students compete against students from 7 other schools in Maui County.


Of current students met or exceeded proficiency in the 2023-24 Smarter Balanced English Language Arts Assessment.


Of current students met or exceeded proficiency in the 2023-24 Smarter Balanced Math Assessment.


Computer Distribution of Chromebook Computers to students. 


Students currently enrolled in the Kaiapuni Hawaiian Immersion program. 


Of current 6th grade students met or exceeded proficiency in the 2023-24 Smarter Balanced Science Assessment.